Inge Kuyanna Debro was a free-spirted person who loved life. She was confident and not afraid to take risks. She believed in living your life for yourself and not conforming to please people.
Inge’s life changed when she found a lump in her breast in February of 2014. She went to the doctor and they sent her home with antibiotics. Another lump appeared on her breast and she returned to the doctor’s office. This time she insisted that she received a thorough examination. She was asked if she ever had a mammogram and her response was '‘NO". She was 42 years old and did not start having her annual mammograms, although she was a smoker. After receiving her mammogram and additional tests, she was diagnosed with stage 3 and 4 breast cancer.
After receiving chemotherapy and radiation for about 6 months, she had a double mastectomy in October of 2014. Inge thought she was getting better and stronger; however, continued to have complications. She received an MRI and the results showed a spot on her brain in January of 2015. She was devastated; however she was not defeated. She was determined to fight her battle. She had brain surgery in June of 2015 and survived with little complications from the surgery. She wasn’t fully recovered from the brain surgery when she began battling pneumonia.
Although, she had many needs as a single woman, and a mother of two young adult men. She struggled to meet her financial needs and this was difficult because she had always been independent and provided for her family. She continuously advocated for herself and fought with the insurance companies regarding her benefits. Inge continued to work, pursue her education, and to provide for her family. Her goal was to leave a home for her sons before she died. She was unable to complete that goal, however, she left a legacy that will last a lifetime. Inge’s drive and strength was a true testament of her unwavering spirit.
On July 19, 2015, Inge transitioned and ended her fight with her oldest son and mother by her side. Before she left this earth, she was committed to educating individuals about early detection and documenting the realities of fighting cancer. She fought her battle with grace, joy, dignity and an infectious smile.
Inge’s House is dedicated in her honor to assist women with the opportunity to fight their battle with cancer without financial barriers. Eliminating these barriers allows women to be cared for while healing holistically.